District Profile Information

District Profile

Operating Budget: $17,286,762

Assessed Value of: $569,095,014

Tax Rate: M & O $.7744 per $100 *** I & S $ .1989 Per $100

District Employees

Total Number of Employees: 182

Central Administration – 5, Principals -5,

Instructional (Teacher, Librarians, Counselors, Nurses) - 97,

Auxiliary (Office Workers, Instructional Aides, Transportation, Food Services, Custodial, Maintenance - 85 .

Industrial ISD is pleased to have low Pupil / Teacher Ratio at:

1 to 12.95

Programs for Success

Industrial ISD students have the opportunity to share, learn, and receive instruction in the following programs:

Gifted and Talented - High expectations in the areas of Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies are served through the G.T. Program and the Pre-AP and AP classes.

Technology, TEKS and Classroom Learning - TEKS provide the framework of classroom learning through state-of-the-art technology.

Inclusion, A Special way to Learn - The path of special learning for all students of all abilities.

ESL Classes - Classroom experiences provide non English speaking students opportunities to excel and master the basic English language.